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Working with Modules
- What are Modules?
- Built-in-Modules
- Creating a Custom Module
- Activity
- Quiz
- Updated on 10/09/2024
What are Modules?
Modules are reusable pieces of code that can be included in your Node.js applications. They help you organize your code into manageable sections.
Node.js comes with several built-in modules, such as http, fs (file system), and path.
Creating a Custom Module
Create a new file myModule.js: Use the module in another file:
Create your own module that exports a function to calculate the area of a rectangle. Import and use this module in another file.
How do you include a built-in module in Node.js?
- a) import moduleName
- b) require('moduleName')
- c) include('moduleName')
- d) module('moduleName')
What is the purpose of module.exports in Node.js?
- a) To import modules
- b) To define local variables
- c) To export functions and variables from a module
- d) To manage dependencies
Which built-in Node.js module is used to interact with the file system?
- a) http
- b) fs
- c) path
- d) os
How do you import a custom module in Node.js?
- a) import './myModule';
- b) require('./myModule');
- c) include('./myModule');
- d) load('./myModule');
What will be the output of the following code if myModule.js exports a function greet that returns 'Hello, World!'?
- a) Hello, World!
- b) Hello, Node.js!
- c) Hello!
- d) World!