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Handling Events and Forms


  • Handling Events and Forms
  • Event Handling in React
  • Example
  • Handling Form Inputs
  • Activity
  • Updated on 10/09/2024

Event Handling in React

React provides a way to handle user interactions like clicks, form submissions, and keyboard inputs. Event handlers are written in camelCase and are passed as props to components.


  • Handling a Click Event: Click events in React can be handled by attaching an event handler function to the component using the onClick prop.

  • Handling Form Inputs: Forms in React are managed using controlled components, where form data is handled by the state of the component.


  • Create a form component in React that includes text inputs and a submit button. Handle form submission and display the input data using React state.


1. How are event handlers written in React?

  • a) In lowercase
  • b) In camelCase
  • c) In snake_case
  • d) None of the above

2. True or False: React handles form inputs using controlled components.

  • a) True
  • b) False

3. Which method is used to handle a form submission in a React component?

  • a) handleSubmit()
  • b) submitForm()
  • c) onSubmit()
  • d) processForm()

4. What is the purpose of the preventDefault() method in form handling?

  • a) To prevent the default browser behavior
  • b) To submit the form automatically
  • c) To validate the form data
  • d) To reset the form

5. True or False: You can handle multiple types of events (e.g., click, change) with the same event handler function in React.

  • a) True
  • b) False

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