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State Management and Context


  • State Management and Context
  • State Management
  • State in Class-Based Components
  • State in Functional Components
  • Context API
  • Updated on 10/09/2024

State Management

State management refers to how you handle the data that affects the behavior and rendering of your application. React’s built-in state management is usually sufficient for small applications.

State in Class-Based Components

  • State is managed using this.state and updated using this.setState().

State in Functional Components

  • Use the useState hook to manage state in functional components.

Context API

  • The Context API is used to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. Create a context with React.createContext(), provide it with a Provider component, and consume it with useContext or Context.Consumer.


  • Create a React application that uses both state management and the Context API. Implement a theme toggle feature where the theme is managed through context and updated with state.


1. What hook is used for state management in functional components?

  • a) useState
  • b) useContext
  • c) useReducer
  • d) useEffect

2. True or False: The Context API allows you to pass data through the component tree without using props.

  • a) True
  • b) False

3. Which method is used to create a context in React?

  • a) createContext()
  • b) useContext()
  • c) createProvider()
  • d) createState()

4. In the Context API, which component provides the context value to its children?

  • a) Context.Consumer
  • b) Context.Provider
  • c) Context.ProviderValue
  • d) Context.ProviderChildren

5. True or False: You can use both the Context API and state management together in a React application.

  • a) True
  • b) False

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