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Control Flow Statements


  • If-Else-Statement
  • Switch Statement
  • Loops
  • Activity
  • Quiz
  • Updated on 10/09/2024

If-Else Statement

Used to execute code based on a condition. Syntax: if (condition) { // code } else { // code }

Switch Statement

  • Allows multiple possible execution paths based on the value of a variable. Syntax: switch (variable) { case value1: // code; break; case value2: // code; break; default: // code; }


For Loop :

  • Executes code a fixed number of times.

  • While Loop :

  • Executes code as long as a condition is true.

  • Do-While Loop :

  • Executes code at least once before checking the condition.


  • Write a Java program using different control flow statements to print numbers from 1 to 20.


1. Which control flow statement is used to execute code based on a condition?

  • a) For Loop
  • b) If-Else
  • c) Switch
  • d) Do-While Loop

2. What does the break statement do in a switch case?

  • a) It ends the program.
  • b) It skips to the next case.
  • c) It exits the switch statement.
  • d) It repeats the case.

3. What is the output of the following code?

  • a) 0 1 2
  • b) 1 2 3
  • c) 0 1 2 3
  • d) 1 2

4. Which loop is guaranteed to execute at least once?

  • a) For Loop
  • b) While Loop
  • c) Do-While Loop
  • d) None

5. How many times will the following code print 'Hello'?

  • a) 4
  • b) 5
  • c) 6
  • d) 1

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