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Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
- What is OOP?
- Four Pillars of OOP
- Classes and Objects
- Activity
- Quiz
- Updated on 10/09/2024
What is OOP?
OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of 'objects' that contain data and methods.
Four Pillars of OOP
Bundling data and methods that operate on the data within one unit (class).
Mechanism where one class can inherit fields and methods from another class.
Ability to process objects differently based on their data type or class.
Hiding complex implementation details and showing only the necessary features.
Classes and Objects
Class: Blueprint for creating objects. Object: Instance of a class.
Create a Java program with a class representing a 'Student' and instantiate objects of this class.
1. Which OOP concept involves bundling data and methods?
- a) Inheritance
- b) Polymorphism
- c) Encapsulation
- d) Abstraction
2. What is the blueprint for creating objects in Java?
- a) Method
- b) Object
- c) Class
- d) Interface
3. What is the process called when one class inherits fields and methods from another class?
- a) Polymorphism
- b) Encapsulation
- c) Inheritance
- d) Abstraction
4. Which of the following is an example of polymorphism?
- a) Method overloading
- b) Method hiding
- c) Method overriding
- d) Method finalizing
5. How do you instantiate an object in Java?
- a) ClassName objectName = new ClassName();
- b) objectName = new ClassName();
- c) new ClassName();
- d) ClassName objectName = new();