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Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts


  • What is OOP?
  • Four Pillars of OOP
  • Classes and Objects
  • Activity
  • Quiz
  • Updated on 10/09/2024

What is OOP?

OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of 'objects' that contain data and methods.

Four Pillars of OOP


  • Bundling data and methods that operate on the data within one unit (class).

  • Inheritance

  • Mechanism where one class can inherit fields and methods from another class.

  • Polymorphism

  • Ability to process objects differently based on their data type or class.

  • Abstraction

  • Hiding complex implementation details and showing only the necessary features.

Classes and Objects

  • Class: Blueprint for creating objects. Object: Instance of a class.


  • Create a Java program with a class representing a 'Student' and instantiate objects of this class.


1. Which OOP concept involves bundling data and methods?

  • a) Inheritance
  • b) Polymorphism
  • c) Encapsulation
  • d) Abstraction

2. What is the blueprint for creating objects in Java?

  • a) Method
  • b) Object
  • c) Class
  • d) Interface

3. What is the process called when one class inherits fields and methods from another class?

  • a) Polymorphism
  • b) Encapsulation
  • c) Inheritance
  • d) Abstraction

4. Which of the following is an example of polymorphism?

  • a) Method overloading
  • b) Method hiding
  • c) Method overriding
  • d) Method finalizing

5. How do you instantiate an object in Java?

  • a) ClassName objectName = new ClassName();
  • b) objectName = new ClassName();
  • c) new ClassName();
  • d) ClassName objectName = new();

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